Eagles Research, Data and Papers

Part of any fictional work is investigating the generational knowledge and paths of
those who have come this way before you. Opinions, anecdotes, reports and studies
must be acquired and assimilated. As this work has an environmental theme, lists of
the flora and fauna specfic to each area used in the work must also be consulted.
This is what gives any work, especially where you are creating beings you want to
resonate as ‘true’ for readers, a genuine voice that stays with them long after they
have finished reading.
To demonstrate how links can distribute these sea eagles and in attempting to provide
quality in digital social media  some of these paragraphs are hypertexted  via links.
The link is a very good way to store pages of data off a page and still have quick access
to them. In developing this blog I've used hyperlinks to connect and store all these
papers on my computer as one document as well. Much better then clicking back
and forth between them as I once used to. Clearly I've chosen and created links
pertinent to the subject as a means of expanding it here but elsewhere it is a way
to 'surf the web'. Below are some of the papers I've collected (since 2006) to
demonstrate what is accumulating in developing The Eagle Diaries.

Research Papers:
Sea Eagles

For information on
bird calls and songs
see :-Bird Songs

For where the eagle, or any other bird, has been recently sighted:
The White Bellied Sea Eagle

References are listed in sequence link appears on page:

links: Luzón, M. J. (2009), Scholarly hyperwriting: The function of links in academic weblogs.
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60: 75–89. doi: 10.1002/asi.20937
distribute: Anne Helmond. ( 2009, May). Lifetracing > Lifetracing 4. Identity 2.0.
In Networked Notebook. Retrieved from
sea eagles: White-bellied sea eagle. (2003, December). Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania. In Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts. Retrieved from http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/file.aspx?id=6914
quality in digital social media: Eugene Agichtien, et. al. (2008). Finding High-Quality
Content in Social Media. Emory University, Atlanta, USA. Retrieved from http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~eugene/papers/wsdm2008quality.pdf
hypertexted: Son, J.-B. (1998). Understanding hypertext: A discussion for TEFL.
English Teaching, 53 (3), 113-124. Univeristy of Queensland. Retrieved from http://www.usq.edu.au/users/sonjb/papers/kate98.htm

Sea Eagles: Sea eagle. (2011, February 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Living with Eagles and Hawks Tasmanian Wildlife Service: (service temporarily 
unavailable) Retrieved from
Eagle Conservation In Australia: Threatened Tasmanian Eagles Recovery Plan 2006-2010. Department of Primary Industries and Water. Australian Government. Retrieved from http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/
SOAB Reports: State of Australia's Birds Web Page. (2010) Birds Australia.
(Updated Annually). Retrieved from
Golden Eagle Study Video: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. (2009, May 05).
Golden Eagle Study. In YouTube. Retrieved from
Sea Eagles Video: National Geographic. (2007, August 13). Eagle vs. Eagle in Mid-Air.
Sea Eagles Killed On Parramatta River: James Woodford. (2004, September 16).
Environment Page in Sydney Morning Herald online. Retrieved from http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/09/15/1095221666203.html
Sea Eagle shot in South Australia: Clare Peddie, Environment Reporter.
(2008, February 05). Outrage as endangered eagle shot dead. Article online In Adelaide Now.
Sea Eagles Reintroduced into Scotland: Hilary Osborne. (2007, June 22). Sea eagles take
flight to Scotland. Article online In guardian.co.uk. Retrieved from http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2007/jun/22/conservation.wildlife
Wedge Tailed Eagles Project Macquarie River, NSW: Alexandra De Blas and Chris Davey.
(2003). Eagle Vomit. Earthbeat. Radio National Transcripts. ABC Online: Australian
Broadcasting Corporation, June, 21. Retrieved from http://www.abc.net.au/rn/science/earth/stories/s884450.htm
Conservation Status of White-bellied Sea eagle ...: Jill M. Shephard, Jane M. Hughes,
Carla P. Catterall and Penny D. Olsen. Conservation status of the White-Bellied Sea-Eagle
Haliaeetus leucogaster in Australia determined using mtDNA control region sequence data. Conservation Genetics Volume 6, Number 3, 413-429, DOI: 10.1007/s10592-005-4987-x
Mackay Reserve, Palm Beach, NSW, Fauna List: FAUNA SPECIES LIST KNOWN OR
Mckay Reserve and Dark Gully Plan of Management (1994). In Pittwater Council Website.
Fauna Species List - Palm Beach Reserves: Fauna Species List – Palm Beach Reserves. 
From: Urban Bushland Inventory and Action Plan - Volume 2 - North Ward Reserves (1998).
In Pittwater Council Website. Retrieved from 
Palm Beach, NSW, History: Palm Beach, New South Wales. (2011, January 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:51, February 20, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Palm_Beach,_New_South_Wales&oldid=405441814