Monday, January 24, 2011

About Me and the Eagle Diaries

Salutations !
Welcome to a site dedicated to a new story work named 'Eagle Diaries' and utilising the Blogger format and applications of the Web to list and expand all the components; Creations, Research, Historical overviews, Characters worldviews, Story Proposal and Book Structure, that are collected and expanded in the process of developing a fictional work.

Alison Guesdon, intermittent wordsmith, who may, through practice, get better at her vocation, began collating data for this story a few years ago. The original inspiration was a Sea Eagle of my home hills who has been following me, or casting her shadow across my walking paths, for a few years now. I look up, she looks down, we steadily regard each other...
There have also been many experiences of other birds seeming to be attracted to me, and I mean coming right up and 'talking' to me, all day every day, in seasons fair and foul...until I wonder why, and what, when they look at me, they see..

This inspires a correlation between the work and The Way Birds see...
Humans basically see most of the 180 degrees right in front of us, since our eyes are in the front of our heads.  Owls and hawks have similar forward facing eyes, but usually see a bit more of the world around them than we do—from 200-260 degrees.  The other 100 degrees would be what is below the horizon or behind them for the bird.
Most birds have exceptional color vision.  Humans distinguish colors based on our color vision cells (cones) having three different color sensitivities.  Because the colors we see are based on these three different types of cells, we call that trichromatic vision.  Birds on the other hand usually have four different types of cones, with one kind of cone allowing them to see ultraviolet light—making the world a very different place for birds!
Some birds can see polarized light and even magnetic fields. How far can an eagle see clearly? To be exact, 304.8 meters.
Let me show you some data, pictures, videos and texted construction of ideas through the architecture creating media affords. Let me show you the links that allow for html; HyperText Markup Language...!

References for page listed below in sequence link appears in text.

Eagle: (Videos):
Diary: (2011, February 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved , February 17, 2011, from
World view: (2011, January 30). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved , February 17, 2011, from
Wordsmith: wordsmith.(n.d.). In Dictionary Definitions. Retrieved November 26th, 2010, retrieved from
Identity 2.0: Dick Clarence Hardt. (2006, February 8). Identity 2.0 Keynote. Retrieved from
Curator: Curator (2011, January 7). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved , February 17, 2011, from
Sea eagle:
White-bellied Sea Eagle. (2011, February 14). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 09:19, February 17, 2011, from
How Birds See: Dr Rob Fergus. (2010, July 14). How Birds see the World. In Articles Base. Retrieved from Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Metadata: Chris Taylor. Revised: 29 July 2003 An Introduction top Metadata Paper. Information Access Service, University of Queensland Library,, Retrieved from
Polarized Light Video: Polarized Light Physics Demonstration from BCIT Physics Department. (2008, November 21). BCIT Physics. Retrieved from
Magnetic Fields: Goran Frankel. (2004, Fenruary 23) . alphagalileo. Innovations Report. retrieved from 
Web 2.0: Tim O'reilly. (2005, September, 30) What Is Web 2.0, Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software. Retrieved from
Metaphysics: (2011, February 17). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved , February 17, 2011, from
Internet: (2011, February 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
, February 17, 2011, from
HTML: (2011, February 16). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved
, February 17, 2011, from

Unless otherwise noted this site and its contents are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.